“The Almighty Load: How Electricity is Finding a New Religion,” November/December 2019 

“Beware the Green Badge of Courage,” September/October 2019

“The Role of Retail in Renewables” July/August 2019 

“The Story on Storage: Is it Truly Charging Ahead?” May/June 2019

“Hey Google! How Much does my Energy Cost?” March/April 2019

“Realizing Carbon Reduction Goals: Assessing the Merits of Carbon Tax,” January/February 2019

“The Evolution of Resiliency: Will the Frog Turn into a Prince?” November/December 2018

“Imagine a Market that . . .” September/October 2018 

“Is the Great Experiment of Wholesale Electricity Competition Ending?” May/June 2018 

“Leveling the Playing Field for Storage: Can Markets Figure It Out?” March/April 2018

“Big Data, Bit Coin and Blockchain: How will Energy Cash In?” January/February 2018

Resistance to Resilience: ISO/RTO Response to DOE’s NOPR,” November/December 2017
Is your SCADA System Safe?” September/October 2017
So What’s in Your Grid Modernization Plan?” July/August 2017
Nuclear Friction: Challenging the Economic Rationale of State Support,” May/June 2017
Valuing Lost Load: How the Economics have Changed,” March/April 2017

Digitizing Electrons: How Are You Incorporating the Digital Economy into Utility Operations?” January/February 2017

What You Can Do to Decrease Operational Risk Part II: Securing Your Supply Chain,” November/December 2016

How Operational Risk is Increasing and What you Can Do About It: Part I,” September/October 2016

Power Grid International

Electric Light & Power, Pennwell Publications



Many of our industry experts publish in industry trade journals and speak at conferences.  For a selection of recent articles, technical papers and reports, visit our website regularly or register for our Energy Insights on Twitter.  


© 2020 | Energyzt

Understanding the True Impacts of Champlain Hudson Power Express, January 2020

An analysis of the impacts of the proposed Champlain Hudson Power Express HVDC transmission line into New York City, including analysis of Hydro-Quebec's projected system generation and excess energy available for export. 

Greenwashing and Carbon Emissions: Understanding the True Impacts of New England Clean Energy Connect, October 2018
​An analysis of the impacts of the proposed New England Clean Energy Connect HVDC transmission line into New England. Prepared for the Maine Renewable Energy Association, Natural Resources Council of Maine and Sierra Club.

Achieving Connecticut’s Carbon Emissions Reduction Targets: A Preliminary Assessment  of Available Approaches, January 2018

An analysis of Connecticut's carbon reduction targets in 2020 and 2050, current status towards achieving those levels, projected reductions that will be achieved and are achievable, as well as policy recommendations on how to realize the state's emissions reduction objectives. 

New Jersey Nuclear Power Plants: Historical and Near-term Financial Assessment, January 2018

Evaluation of the profitability of Hope Creek and Salem from 2001 through 2022 with a discussion of their returns generated since operations began.

Financial Assessment: Millstone Nuclear Power Plant,

April 2017

A financial assessment of the Millstone nuclear power plant that shows historic and projected profitability under alternative price projections, as well as the potential impact on Connecticut ratepayers of the proposed legislation.